Monday, October 6, 2008

Bionaid and Oxysilver - Ending Fears of Pandemics with NASA Technology

Bionaid™ and Oxysilver™ (Oxysilver™ for exclusive African distribution) are the original, most advanced formulations on the market.

The man that developed a key ingredient in BIONAID™ and the covalent silver reactor technology used by NASA began his voyage, leading to discovery of covalent silver, at age twelve while observing people receiving communion from a chalice that had been subjected to sneezing and coughing. Later, he asked the priest about possible contamination to the rest of the congregation. The priest said that he need not worry, as pure silver removes the contaminates.

The discovery of covalent silver begins in 1954. At the tender age of twelve, while attending church services, the inventor (whose name is confidential) observed people receiving holy communion. People infected with colds and other ailments were seen sneezing or coughing over the communion chalice. Later, he asked the Priest about possible contamination to the remainder of the congregation. The priest said that he need not worry because pure silver kills viruses and harmful bacteria. The inventor actually believed this hilarious story. Thus began his life long fascination with silver as a health supplement. As the years passed, he pondered about how to destroy disease-causing parasites by taking advantage of the safe and natural properties historically documented about silver. He applied for a patent for a silver filter device to be implanted inside the human body. That patent was denied in 1985 because of an existing patent on a boiler blow-back tube by Thomas Jefferson. Nevertheless, he continued to consider methods which would expose human blood-carried parasites to pure silver. He began to focus upon circulating pure silver within the bloodstream, studying ionization, electrolysis, colloidal silver forms, and electroplating. He became fascinated with the combined conductivity of charged silver and charged water. In 1986, whilst working with Louisiana University on another invention, he mentioned his covalent silver idea to colleagues and friends. A professor at the University brought a bible verse to his attention, in Exodus 32:19, Moses took the golden calf, burned it and ground it to fine powder, scattered it on the water, and made the Israelites drink it. Thus he thought that if he could suspend pure silver in pure water permanently then silver could operate more effectively internally, circulating throughout the body, destroying harmful micro-organisms.

He designed a reactor that suspended pure silver in pure water and faxed the drawing to a trusted machinist in Colorado Springs who machined several vital components. After assembly, the reactor was taken to a friend in Pueblo, Colorado who had well water that he knew was chemical-free. He experimented with various water flow rates and electrical settings, and then went to several laboratories and universities attempting to generate interest for testing, but was repeatedly told that permanent suspension of a metal in water was impossible and against the laws of physics.

In 1989, he traveled to an area in Venezuela swarming with mosquitoes (Genus Anopheles), with the intention of proving his theories by purposely infecting himself with a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium in red blood cells, which is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito. Without his wife's knowledge or consent, he allowed several malarial mosquitoes to bite him and transmit the infectious parasite. After the 21st day of incubation he awoke a very sick man with extreme chills and fever. He then admitted to his wife that he had purposely infected himself, and asked her to give him the weakest batch of covalent silver . As anticipated his recovery began internally within fifteen minutes, and astoundingly within several hours he regained the strength to get out of bed and swim in the pool. Later that evening he acquired the strength to venture out with his wife for dinner and a movie, as the symptoms continued to retreat and disappear. Continuing the treatment until completion has enabled him to remain symptom free since that day in 1989.

The inventor met with Richard Leatherwood, a researcher who was attempting to market a device to disclose HIV from a drop blood. He began to theorize that covalent silver might eliminate HIV. Mr. Leatherwood, contacted Dr. Diagne, a professor of HIV research at UCLA and sent him samples of covalent silver. Seven months later Dr. Diagne reported the results; covalent silver had successfully destroyed 30 million diseased cultures, most of which were HIV. In 1994 Mr. Leatherwood took samples of covalent silver to Dr. Panza with Genesis-West Provida, Mexico for testing in vitro and in vivo for cancer patients. During a 21-day testing period, Dr. Panza and his group made a five and a half hour video filmed through an electron microscope, showing the destruction of parasites and yeast fungus in the blood. Dr. Diagne at UCLA had tested covalent silver in the clinical laboratory on cultures, while Dr. Panza worked with humans and on diseased cultures in a clinical laboratory. In 1998, Dr. Carr in Belize began testing on humans, his primary aim being to eliminate sexually transmitted diseases using covalent silver on infected patients. He tested covalent silver successfully on patients suffering from Hepatitis, Malaria, Cholera, Typhus, and many other diseases known in third world countries. In 1999 Dr. Ingnedaay of California began testing patients with Cancer, Hepatitis C and B, HIV, and has reported great improvement and remission.

In an article titled - "Promising Cure to URTI Pandemics Including H5N1 and SARS", they state, "Recently Rentz (2003) published a convincing retrospective, peer-reviewed treatise on a highly advanced, effective and safe virotoxic oligodynamic silver (Ag+) hydrosol, making the case that it is the agent of choice to combat SARS. The works of Goetz (1940), Berger et al (1976), Simonetti et al (1992), Russel et al (1994), and Crocker and Grier (1998) collectively established that electrolytically produced oligodynamic Ag+ hydrosol provides the ideal speciation of bioactive Ag+ completely harmless to mammals in contrast to other colloidal silver or silver salt speciations that are predominantly inactive and potentially toxic to mammals. They also established that oligodynamic Ag+ hydrosol possesses fabulous virotoxic properties. Comprehensive studies conducted by NASA (circa 1970) on a crude oligodynamic Ag+ hydrosol preparation offer a compelling argument that today’s highly advanced oligodynamic Ag+ hydrosols may be the solution to lessening the impact of viral plagues."

In 2005, while looking for the best silver product to carry on mountain guide trips Burk-Elder: Hale, Third (Elder), a mountain guide, fortuitously met with a representative for Bion, a leading dietary supplement concentrate made with the covalent silver reactor. Bion has been developed, studied and tested over a 15 year period in major universities, laboratories and on human subjects worldwide.

Soon afterwards, a company started bottling Bion for Elder under his own branding - BIONAID™ - for Range Guide Expeditions and Burk Hale, Incorporated. Elder wanted something to have in the wild to make wild-water safe to drink. Elder began experimenting to improve Bion. Later, he began coordinating tests using Dan Nelson's geometric laser to see the effects on BIONAID™. The results were most amazing after being subjected to the laser.

In November of 2007, Elder sent a super-concentrated water substrate to be put through the covalent silver reactor. Again, the results were most amazing in that the reaction was seen to be unusually stable. Upon being tested by Dan Nelson, the Bionaid was seen to be 100 times more potent and the entire solution, not just the Bion particle, became sub-nanoparticle in size. After negotiations between Burk Hale, Incorporated and their new associates Bion+ BIONAID™ AgH2O became the most advanced UPCOSH&trade dietary supplement on the market. Elder has donated Oxysilver™ to Uganda this year and the clinical trials are proving to be a great success in ending fears of pandemic.

Basic Bion™, branded as Oxysilver™ for African distribution, is exclusively distributed to Africa by BioAquatic and Elder (associate of BioAquatic). Elder's Oxysilver™ was the product donated to Uganda for clinical testing this year. Oxysilver™ for African distribution is marketed by WASART African Youth Movement. Oxysilver™ is not the same as Bionaid™ - UPCOSH™, as Bionaid™ has been advanced beyond Oxysilver™ (or Bion) with technnology developed by Dan Nelson and Elder. WASART will be making UPCOSH available in Africa through special arrangements with the Church of Christ and Elder's ministerial associates, Zion African Youth Alliance, in Africa.

The "Oxysilver™sold in America by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is not the same formulation as the original (first sold in America and later promoted internationally on Coast to Coast AM Radio by Dr. Horowitz) and the more advanced Oxysilver™ sold in Africa. While Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz has endorsed Elder's formula, Elder does not endorse Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz's new formula marketed as "Oxysilver™ as a formulation that is equivalent to Elder's formulation, and Elder has not authorized the use of his name in the fabricated "interview" or the unauthorized use of Bion™ tesimonials that Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz has on his website meant to give the appearance that Elder endorses Horowitz's formulation.

Elder's Bionaid™ and Oxysilver™ are the original, most advanced formulations on the market. While Dr. Horowitz has a good product, do not confuse it with the original and most advanced formulations supported by decades of research and new clinical tests.
Learn more at or call 706-937-7379

1 comment:

Elder said...

At Technorati, a poster mentioned this about an ad for Dr Horowitz's formula:

"But the video of this product reinforces the infomercial aspect and leaves me concerned for those that may look at this as some kind of super cure for their ailments. So I looked up the man behind this product, Dr. Leonard Horowitz. And what I found was very interesting. Dr. Horowitz is a dentist. Not a genetist or a doctor of any applied medicine."

Here's the Technorati link:

My response:
His formula is definately not a "super cure", even though the doctor uses that term precariously. I've cautioned about this, and I do not use he term cure except for when talking about a ham (cured ham).

"Creighton has finished its lab test of your product for antibacterial activity. Bion was bactericidal at a dilution of 1/8 for Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bion also killed Staphylococcus aureus during our labs twenty-four hour test. The results are quite outstanding; I would appreciate being kept abreast of your progress as you develop this product." - Dr. Christine Sanders, Ph. D / Creighton University

"A total of (100) hundred clients have been chosen, each having two confirmed positive test results. Interview with all clients, studying and re-testing each client’s status after 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months. At this time, all the clients who have returned for re-testing are now HIV negative." - Dr. George Carr, M.B.E. / World Health Organization

"Treatment of Normal PHA Stimulated Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Infected with HIV _1 JRCFS Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease which targets and depletes the body's T helper cells. It is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV _1). Viral load, as measured in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) cultures, have been shown to correlate with early disease progression and loss of CD4 cells. Similarly suppression of viral replication by an antiretroviral agent in Vitro is a clear indication that such an agent could be a potential candidate for treatment of HIV 1 infection. On day 4, culture was microscopically observed, Cells all looked healthy. There appeared to be no negative reaction...On day 7, cells were microscopically examined again. Similar observations were made as on day 4" - Dr. Amadou Diagne, PhD. / Supervisor, ACLU Core Virology; Labrodor ; ACLU, AIDS Virology Laboratory

We hope that the reader understands why we must state, for legal reasons, that the research testimony herein was not intended to suggest that BIONAID™ is a treatment for diseases, just share our research results. The testimony above is provided in compliance with FCC guidelines regarding claims of research. But due to recent concerns associated with the suppression of free speech about dietary supplements we have removed the testimonials of many users claiming health benefits to prevent any possible suppression of BIONAID™, and should the government reverse its position on free speech about dietary supplements we'll place many testimonials here. Certain minerals are noted to be essential for immune support because of their nature, and with silver's nature being such that it naturally dispatches harmful microbes that are associated with diseases should not be considered by the reader to suggest that BIONAID™ prevents or cures diseases. The medical language that most people commonly use regarding diseases and their treatment or cure is associated with drugs. Just because BIONAID™ contains a high-quality silver mineral particle that naturally dispatches infectious microbes that are associated with diseases it should not be contrued to be a medical treatment or cure for diseases. Over time, people have come to refer to their symptoms as diseases because people have been inculcated with such erroneous thinking, ergo it is common for people to mistakenly refer to the improvements in their health with medical terms regarding diseases because this is what medical professionals, academia and the media have inculcated into their minds.

The history, research and testimony presented here that refer to diseases were provided in good faith and with grateful hearts even if they use erroneous concepts about health. We intend for you to understand that their reference to diseases are mistaken in that they have innocently made reference to diseases or medical conditions to describe their improvement from using a dietary supplement that contains a mineral that naturally happens to have extremely effective immune support characteristics that are historically documented to dispatch harmful microbes that medical professionals, academia and the media have associated with diseases and drug cures.

You are encouraged to see the truth of the matter in the history, research and testimony on this website - that a well produced dietary supplement ingeniously supplied the right amounts of a natural mineral that supported their immune system so that the body could recover from infectious microbes. The dietary supplement did not cure or prevent a disease or medical condition - the people that provided the testimonies simply described the benefits of our dietary supplement the best they knew how to describe it, albeit erroneously. It has become quite obvious to us that using the wrong terminology can place innocent people, and innocent dietary supplements, in an awkward legal position because certain segments of society have managed to license a great deal of the terminology many people casually use to describe illnesses. The nexus lies in the fact that regulatory agencies have gone to such extremes with their control of language associated with licensed terminology to the detriment of free speech discussing healthy dietary supplements that coincidentally have good results on health problems they have associated with diseases, medical conditions, drugs and medical treatments. This has resulted in people becoming co-dependent on licensed medical remedies at great expense that by its very negative nature is a monumental health hazard of its own. The main reason for this is that medical professionals are not educated about the proper use of dietary supplements and stand to be promptly ostracized, losing their license, if they promote or prescribe dietary supplements without doing so for investigative research purposes only. They are also educated to be dependent on the use of drugs for all ill-health issues. We wish to state that many medical professionals deserve our gratitude for all the good things that they have done for many, nevertheless, we reserve the right to be free from co-dependency on drug-remedies and other invasive medical measures used by medical professionals and use dietary supplements freely and wisely as we deem fit.

Many of our readers have witnessed the incredible scrutiny that our use of health-freedoms have been subjected to and the freedom to speak openly is under great duress as well, and we trust that you will see the truth for yourself. We believe BIONAID™ is much too precious and critical for everyone on planet Earth, and for that reason we must take every precaution necessary to see that it gets to the needy. Therefor, you must realize that the history, research and testimony herein, though genuine and sincere, may erroneously refer to diseases or medical conditions, and that in none of the history, research and testimony herein was anyone truly meaning to treat, cure, diagnose, or mitigate any disease or medical condition, and any stated effect on so-called medical conditions or diseases stated therein are totally and completely coincidental and a result of erronoeous information given to the public by medical professionals, academia and the media. See a doctor for your medical needs, as BIONAID™ is not intended for medical use - it's for dietary use.