Wednesday, October 15, 2008

History of Mandatory Vaccination

History of Mandatory Vaccination
Rima Laibow, MD

Mandatory Vaccination has a long history which is not generally known, but deserves to be understood.Crunchy Mama wrote the following excellent article posted on Exploring Vaccines. It provides a good overview of the process by which States have come to the point where they are now requiring as many as 78 vaccines by the time a child reaches 15 years of age, starting at birth. The same Hepatitis B vaccine, by the way, that infants are given within 12 hours of birth is literally under indictment in France where the manufacturer has been charged with homicide because of the number of infants who have died following this injection. No such reservations seem to deter the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) from advising this same, and other highly questionable vaccinations.Once the ACIP makes its recommendations, States frequently adopt these recommendation and make the requirements mandatory for school entry.

In New Jersey, the issue has been pressed further with a new law now making its way through the legislature which would require home schooled children to meet the same mandatory vaccination schedule approved by the superintendent of schools, not the child’s parents or physician in order to be permitted to continue as a home schooled child.

This unconstitutional and irrational move, from a State with a significant number of vaccine manufacturer headquarters is, we believe, a portent of things to come unless the people of the US make a concerted outcry against this imposition of pharmaceutical profits on personal and religious rights.The religious exemption is being made more difficult to attain.

It is important to note that currently the trend to accept ALL recommendations made by the ACIP is gaining momentum and only vigorous activity by each of us can stop this trend which is damaging our health AND our freedom.

Did you know, by the way, that children are not immunized until they reach the age of 2 years in the UK? Or that vaccinations are widely spaced in Japan? In neither country are children dying of the diseases that supposedly are prevented by vaccination? Perhaps that should suggest that it is hygeine, not vaccination, which prevents these diseases. Perhaps it should also suggest that the Pharmaceutical Industry has a (literally speaking) death grip on US society. Properly used drugs are the leading cause of death in the US, according to the esteemed Journal of the American Medical Association and other journals of equal statue. But we continue to allow, encourage and often require their use. Vaccines, of course, are a particularly contentious and, to my mind, dangerous class of drugs sold into the market place not only through propaganda, but through legislative compulsion.

It is no news that all vaccines are contaminated by dangerous heavy metals including mercury and aluminum as well as fluoride and neurotoxins like formaldehyde, MSG, aspartame, viral particles, including stealth viruses, and cancer causing viruses and stray particles. It is no secret that human (including fetal tissue) materials like DNA are contaminants of viruses, along with dangerous chemicals like Polysorbate 80, linked to infertility.

It is less well know that the adjuvants, which are basically immune irritants, put into vaccines to increase the amount of antibody formation produced by vaccines which, without the adjuvants would not produce enough antibody response to be justified, are themselves serious dangers to health. For example, squalene is more or less harmless if breathed, applied to the skin or swallowed. But as the disastrous Vaccine A experimenets on our troops in the Gulf War have tragically demonstrated, once injected, squalene is the source of immense immune overload and finally, immune collapse in a devastating set of problems lumped together under the term “Gulf War Syndrome”. Most modern vaccines include adjuvants, many of which are secret ingredients, but often include squalene.

Further concern centers around secret ingredients which are not even trade secrets: they are depopulation agents. The World Health Organization (WHO) was recently convicted by the Supreme Court of the Philippines of sterilizing at least 3 million women through the use of a vaccine intentionally contaminated with a human hormone which is necessary for reproduction in women. By including it in vaccines, this hormone causes the body to produce antibodies to it which renders the woman unable to carry a baby although her ability to conceive is not impaired.

According to WHO records, this same depopulation strategy was used in vaccines given to African women starting in 1985 to “eliminate 150 million EXCESS sub Saharan Africans [Emphasis added by me to a quote from WHO documents - REL]. It has been used via a “special” tetanus vaccine series of 5 shots generously given to poor women in South and Central America, Thailand, Africa and elsewhere. The WHO maintains that for the planet to achieve “sustainability” it must have 80-90% fewer people on it than it does today. Its vaccine fertility control task forces for the control of male and female fertility have been operating since 1974, the same year that then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger prepared Memorandum 200 for then-President Nixon stating that depopulation had to be the US first priority in Foreign Policy, beginning with [note, beginning with- REL] the third world.

As an interesting side note, it is important to consider that a vaccine rendering young women sterile, supposedly for 1 year, is being sold in the US as a birth control option. No one knows if the results are, in fact, induced sterility for one year or not. Life-long sterility could be the result. Time will tell.

This same contamination of vaccines with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), the female hormone necessary to carry a baby to term, is intentionally included in the vaccine everypregnant Thai tribal woman is forced to take. Without it, she is told, her baby cannot receive the important identity card. Once she receives the shot from the Department of Health worker, she will inevitably miscarry, no matter how far along the pregnancy is.Evidence which I find compelling suggests strongly that material designed to drive the immune system, specifically the CD-4 cells, to collapse, opening the way for a host of opportunistic diseases (this induced condition is known by the collective term HIV/AIDS).

The manufacturer of the Hepatitis B vaccine, the same ones given to our children and health care providers, is currently on trial for homicide in France because of the number of deaths caused in infants and others because of known contaminants. Due to the ever-corporate friendly protective nature of the relationship of the US Congress and the FDA, vaccine-injured people in the US cannot hold doctors or manufacturers accountable and cannot sue them for the damages incurred. On a positive note, that wall of non-protection has been breeched in a Georgia case in which a Federal judge has ruled that parents may sue a vaccine manufacturer for damage to their child.

This landmark case may open a door which regulation and legislation has shut for Americans, as the consent by the CDC in the Vaccine Injury Special Court system that a 9 year old autistic girl was vaccine injured because of a supposedly rare mitochondrial disorder and is thus entitled to compensation for her care may open a small doorway for vaccine injured children.

The bigger door, however, is to make sure that no one IS vaccine injured or, if they chose to run the risk of such injuries, that they will be free to do so in the full knowledge of the risks incurred by submitting to vaccination.

Currently, the US has announced its determination to vaccinate every man, woman and child in the US with an Avian Flu vaccine made in China by Sanofi-Pasteur and loaded into individual dose syringes in Pennsylvania. This vaccine was approved by the FDA in the complete absence of any formal clinical trials (although apparently informal ones have been conducted in Poland where the impact of the vaccine on the over 300 vagrants vaccinated include 11 immediate deaths and hundreds of reactions so severe that the 2 physicians and 4 nurses involved in the “trial” are now accused of homicide. The Minister of Health of Poland has said that none of the accused should ever be permitted to practice medicine or nursing again. This same vaccine is, according to our information, the stuff waiting for the compliant arms of “every man, woman and child in the United States”.

Further information suggests that not only the Avian Flu virus itself, but the very vaccines designed to “protect” us against it (although the science behind ANY vaccine protecting us from anything is worse than questionable) has also been weaponized.

Two biochemistry/microbiology researchers were brutally tortured and murdered on June 29,208 in London, England. Their computer was stolen shortly before their murder. These researchers were, according to information released recently, murdered by a British-Mossad assassination team now in custody in the UK. The researchers had uncovered information leading to the conclusion that not only was the Avian Flu virus itself weaponized with genetic material from the 1918 pandemic “Spanish Flu” (which was not Spanish at all, but created in the US as the first, and most successful Bio Weapon of all time on orders of then-President Teddy Roosevelt and injected into US Soldiers in Kansas before they were sent to Spain for “training” and exposure to mutation-inducing poison gases)but the vaccines supposedly being created to protect the population from the approaching pandemic Avian Flu had also been weaponized to produce a deadly disease upon injection.

Their horrific murders and the subsequent apprehension of their professional killers was covered by the European press, but totally ignored by all US media. The story of their discoveries was also totally neglected by the US media.

The Natural Solutions Foundation’s press release was censored by the media outlet we attempted to use to bring this attention to the light of day and request substantiation of this vitally important information by the media outlet which published it in September, 2008.
Mandatory vaccination for mumps was imposed on college students in Maine last December 11, 2007. Students who were not vaccinated or chose to refuse vaccination were locked out of their dormitories, dining halls, libraries, student unions and classrooms when their key cards were inactivated. This happened on the same day that Health Canada withdrew approval for the same vaccine for use in children and adults because of its dangers. Students, whose tuition, room and board were already paid for, were denied access to instruction and shelter, food and resources in the winter time without notice.Mandatory vaccination is now being recommended for college students, especially those in dorm, even though, as the article making this recommendation states, last year’s flu vaccine did not “cover” one of two viruses causing the flu. This year’s flu vaccine will supposedly contain 4 viruses in an attempt to avoid last year’s embarrassing failure by the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) to “guess” right in the spring before the flu season hit. Each year, these organizations decide what the offending virus is likely to be in the next flu season and authorize vaccines against those viruses which are then recommended (or mandated) as the “flu shot”. Last year, as often happens, the guess was wrong and the CDC announced that the vaccine was ineffective from 40-60% of the time.

Given that 94% of the flu vaccine available contained thimerisol (50% mercury by weight)as well as the usual toxins, and whatever else the vials might be hiding, and that both children and adults are susceptible to the toxic impact of these biological and chemical components, this tetravalent vaccination does not suggest any more safety than the previous ones, including the disastrous and deadly Swine Flu vaccine) offer.

New Jersey made headlines last November by announcing that it would require mandatory flu vaccination for all children in the state from age 6 months (2 shots in the first year) to age 18 plus meningococcus and Hepatitis B shots for all children in the state at various times in their school career.

Now this state, home to so many major pharmaceutical companies, has taken the mandatory vaccination thrust a step farther: all children, whether enrolled in school or home schooled, MUST receive the vaccines approved by the Superintendent of Schools for the child’s home district or be refused permission to stay in a home schooled environment.

Despite the total global absence of a pandemic strain of Avian Flu and despite excellent evidence that non toxic strategies like nanosilver ingestion and hygiene measures are sufficient to kill any Avian Flu virus yet identified, the thrust is toward untested, potentially very dangerous, and scientifically absurd vaccinations. These vaccines, however, carry a hefty price tag: the Sanofi-Pasteur vaccine, approved by the FDA on an “emergency basis” for a disease that does not exist, and slated for use in every person in the US, and approved in the absence of any formal trials, was purchased by the US Government for the hefty price of $15 per dose, or $1.5 billion dollars for 100 million doses. This vaccine shipment, the first of several if all Americans will receive at least one dose, gives the US government a tight exclusive on the vaccine preventing price cutting or competition: in its approval documentation, the fact that the vaccine cannot be sold to any agency or customer other than the US Government is stipulated.

This stipulation means that the ingredients are not listed, do not have to be listed, may not be listed on the package insert or elsewhere.

Americans were notified on July 23, 2008 by the FDA and on July 24, 2008 by the Department of Homeland Security, that the intention of the US Government is to vaccinate every person in the US with this vaccine “starting with those who want it”. Americans are well aware that Patriot Act I and II, BioShield I and II and BARDA all make mandatory vaccination a requirement to avoid involuntary internment and quarantine.

They are also well aware that hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins have been purchased by the US Government and are sitting in depots, including the one famously photographed in Georgia.American know that every state in the country has passed a version of the Emergency Medical Powers Act which makes refusing treatment, especially vaccination, once a “Pandemic” has been declared by the governor of the state, a felony which, as such, can be punished by incarceration or internment.They are well informed about the fact that the US Government is reported to have purchased at least one large tract of land in upstate New York for a mass burial site and that the UK has announced mass burial plans as well since cremation would, according to the estimates of the British Parliament, run up to 17 weeks behind deaths despite increased crematoria capacity building recently undertaken.All this for a disease that does not yet exist.

Americans are also aware that US troops have been moved into place to control civil disruption, subdue unruly persons relocate persons as necessary in a permanent domestic duty deployment which began October 1, 2008. The 1st Battle Group of the 3rd Infantry has been placed under the permanent command of NorthCom, the Northern Command of the US Army. NorthCom signed a much hearalded agreement with the Canadian Military to allow Canadian troops access to US territory for the same reasons and US troops have been operating in Canada performing domestic duties since April, 2007.

This, of course, follows the integration of the US FDA, Canadian HealthCanada and Mexican Department of Health under the Trilateral Cooperation Charter in 2003, erasing further the sovereign powers and status of the United States.

So Americans are well aware of the vaccine threats lurking. They remember well the November, 2007 atrocity in which Prince George’s County imposed vaccination under the amused and watchful eye of a judge (who remarked that the crying children were “kind of cute”) on threat of imprisonment and fines for parents of unvaccinated children and re vaccinated 1100 children whose records it admitted it had lost but who were fully vaccinated. They also remember the interviews granted by State’s Attorney Glen Ivey, father of young children, who admitted that he would not allow his own children to receive the vaccines which were being administered under police and attack dog guard in the Court House that tragic November Saturday. Maryland is among the states which allow parents to file an exemption if they do not want their children to receive the vaccines offered. These parents, mostly poor, black (like Attorney Ivey) and uneducated, from the one of the poorest school districts in the nation, were not told of their option to refuse these vaccinations.

The Natural Solutions Foundation asks you to take effective and vigorous action by notifying your state and federal legislators that these compulsory vaccination precedents are not acceptable to you. Please take a moment to sign the Tiburon Declaration, which takes issue with compulsory drugging, including vaccination, and which will be presented to all US legislators when we have amassed enough signatures. Then please take another moment to take each of the action steps listed above if you have not already done so, to raise the voice of the net roots loud and clear so that legislators understand that they are playing with your health freedom and that you do not like that and will not allow that to continue.

How School Vaccine Mandates Came About

In 1809, the first state law mandating vaccination was enacted in Massachusetts. By 1855, Massachusetts became the first state to enact a school vaccination requirement for Smallpox. By the twentieth century, roughly half of the states had enacted vaccine mandates for children before they could enter school; however, they were not strictly enforced. The Diphtheria vaccine was introduced in the 1920’s, but only a few states made the Diphtheria vaccine compulsory for two decades. By the early 1950’s, with the licensure of the Diphtheria and Tetanus vaccines, state and local health departments began more aggressive vaccination programs. When the Salk Polio vaccine was licensed in 1955, only a few states passed laws that mandated it for school entry. The polio vaccine also led to federal funding of state and local vaccine programs. In 1962, the Vaccination Assistance Act established a federally coordinated program that would supply funds for the purchase and administration of childhood vaccines. By 1963, several vaccines were mandated, but there was no enforcement by all states. The New York City health commissioner opposed making the Polio vaccine mandatory in 1965.

Compulsory vaccination made some radical changes by the late 1960’s and 1970’s. In 1970 a nationwide rubella vaccine campaign was launched. It was recommended by the Department of Health for all 11-13 year old girls. Then the CDC moved on and began leading a nationwide effort to eradicate Measles. In 1968, only a half the states required one or more vaccines for school entry. By the early 1970’s, the Measles Initiative program was started. By 1976-77, health officials strictly enforced the vaccine mandate for Measles under the Childhood immunization Initiative. Its purpose was to raise vaccination coverage in children to 90% by 1979. The largest component of this initiative was to enact and enforce school vaccination mandates.

By 1981, all fifty states mandated Measles vaccine along with all others for school entry. Nearly all states had school vaccination mandates covering Kindergarten through 12th grade levels, and mandates for licensed preschools. State mandated vaccine laws specified which vaccines would be required and the number of doses. Some states authorized the public health boards to designate which vaccines and doses would be required. States were not uniform in what vaccines they require, or how many doses. This still holds true today. In 1980, the state of Wisconsin passed the No-immunization-No School law and was enforced by March 1981. Other states soon followed.

In 1998–1999, all but four states (Louisiana, Michigan, South Carolina, and West Virginia) enacted mandates which covered Kindergarten through 12th grade. In 48 states, with the exception of Iowa and West Virginia, daycare mandates and Head Start program mandates were enacted. Thirty states mandated some requirements for college entrance. School vaccine mandates included:

All 50 states required: Diphtheria toxoid, Polio, Measles and Rubella vaccines

49 states required: Tetanus toxoid
46 states required: Mumps
44 states required: Pertussis
28 states required: Hepatitis B

During the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, state vaccine laws were tightened to make religious and philosophical exemptions harder to obtain. By the end of the 1990’s, the trend was reversed. Religious and Philosophical exemptions were made less restrictive through rewriting exemption clauses.

The Task Force on Community Preventive Services is an independent body carrying out evidence-based reviews of the literature to assess the claims that preventive interventions directed to populations are effective. One of the 17 interventions reviewed for vaccine-preventable diseases was mandatory vaccination requirements. The Task Force found that sufficient evidence existed to demonstrate the effectiveness of these requirements in increasing vaccine coverage, thereby reducing disease incidence, and so recommended their use.

U.S. Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986 and the Vaccine Compensation Amendments in 1987 and 1995. The NCVIA establishes a compensation system for people who may be injured by routine vaccinations. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, Public Law 99-660, was signed by President Reagan in November 1986, however, it did not contain a funding mechanism to enable the compensation system to operate. In 1987, Congress passed amendments to the law and developed a plan to fund the system, which comes from a surcharge on each mandatory vaccine. The main purpose of the law was to create safety provisions for the administration of vaccines to help prevent future vaccine injuries, to promote the improvement of existing vaccines and develop safer vaccines. Another element was to create a no-fault compensation system alternative to suing vaccine manufacturers and physicians on behalf of injured or deceased people from reactions to mandated vaccines. Children and/or adults injured or killed from these vaccines are divided into two categories; those who were damaged or killed before October 1, 1988 and those who were damaged or killed after that date. In 1990, the FDA and the CDC developed the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which allows public and private physicians to use one standard reporting form to report reactions.

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