Thursday, November 20, 2008



FDA, both domestically and through Codex, has been trying to make information about the relationship of food and food components to health forbidden speech. That includes supplements, of course. As if that were not bad enough, they have come up with another ploy to make it illegal to ship supplements across state lines IF THERE HAVE BEEN ANY PUBLISHED HEALTH STUDIES ABOUT ANY INGREDIENT!

And we have only 5 days to stop them. This is a diabolical, but clever, drug company-inspired double whammy:

Whammy Number 1: Under proposed FDA/Codex rules you cannot tell anyone about what nutrients and supplement can do for them because they are, say the bureaucrats, not "supported" in the scientific literature (despite the science called "Biochemistry" and millions of peer-reviewed journal articles)

Whammy Number 2: You won't be able to get supplements if what they can do for you has ever been documented in the scientific literature, as part of any medical study.

It's Actually Even Worse Than That

In July, 2007, The FDA Amendments Act of 2007, Public Law 110-85, was adopted by the US. Congress. With your support, Natural Solutions Foundation Health Freedom advocates fought hard to convinced Senator Harkin (R-IL) to force inclusion of language exempting dietary supplements from the provisions in the law. That protective language is the law of the United States of America, enacted as section 1011, the DSHEA Product Rule of Construction.
The failed and corrupt FDA, however, in its relentless crusade to eliminate the rights of Americans to learn about or use the most significant economic competitor to pharmaceutical drugs has no respect for the law and no interest in either your freedom or your health. They are currently promulgating regulations which would make it illegal to ship supplements across state lines. This would accomplish both definitions of "Nutricide".

Nu tri cide (3 syllables):
1. The death of the body of knowledge about the relationship between health and nutrition
2. The death of large populations through the manipulation of the food [and supplement] supply.


Comments close on November 25, 2008 on a new regulatory sneak attack against supplements. FDA regulations will, if the FDA succeeds, make the shipment of supplements across state lines illegal - get this - IF THE SUPPLEMENT HAS BEEN THE SUBJECT OF A CLINICAL STUDY.

If you value...

*Your access to supplements and nutrients*Your health*Your freedom to determine what goes into your body*Your First Amendment Rights ...then I urge you in the strongest terms to click below NOW to help make sure that the FDA, at least this once, obeys the law of the land.

Last time the FDA tried something this awful, through the 2007 "Draft CAM Guidance", the Natural Solutions Foundation alerted health freedom lovers. Time was very short then, too but as a result, 588,000+ people came to our site to tell the FDA not to continue with its plan to turn nutrients into "untested drugs" and therefore make them all illegal. The FDA system "accidentally' crashed so "only" 198,000+ people got their comments in but FDA got the message and backed off.

We said at that time we counted their backing off as a triumph but that they would be back. Well, they are back and they are sneakier and meaner than ever. We have enormous power in the aggregate. Now it is time to use it. Again.

It is imperative that you tell your friends about his and have them take action, too. Forward this email NOW to your entire list with a little note at the top telling them that taking action now is vitally important to their health and to their freedom.

Force FDA to Obey US Law Protecting Supplements. The FDA's Disregard for US Law Must be Controlled. Take Action to Prevent Regulations Banning Protected Supplements From Interstate Commerce.

Despite clear protection for all supplements covered by the 1994 Dietary Supplements and Health Education Act (DSHEA) in the FDA Amendments Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-85), the FDA is once again seeking to impede the right of Americans to access, choose and use health products and nutrients.

DSHEA classified supplements, nutrients and herbs as substances which were to be treated as foods, not drugs. As such, their dose and composition was a matter for personal choice and market forces to determine since they were not to be regulated as drugs. This legal protection has been anathema to the FDA which declared after DSHEA's adoption by unanimous consent by the US Congress that it was the worst law ever passed.

FDA's continuing assaults on dietary supplements and related protected substances has been consistent and unrelenting. Natural Solutions Foundation ascribes this to the enormous influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry on the FDA since low cost, safe and effective nutrients are the single most significant economic competitor faced by high cost, toxic and often lethal drugs.

When Public Law 110-85 was being debated by the US Senate, Natural Solutions Foundation health freedom advocates prevailed upon Senator Harkin (R-IL) to introduce language stipulating that nothing in the bill should apply to prdoucts and substances protected by DSHEA. That language was adopted and preserved in the final bill under as adopted by the US. Congress. Natural Solutions Foundation Health Freedom advocates fought hard to convinced Senator Harkin (R-IL) to force inclusion of language exempting dietary supplements from the provisions in the law. That protective language is the law of the United States of America, enacted as Section 1011.1, Rule of Construction:

"Nothing in this title (or an amendment made by this title) shall be construed to affect-- (1) the regulation of dietary supplements under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-417)"

None the less, the FDA is currently promulgating a Draft Regulation which would make it illegal to ship nutrients and supplements in interstate Commerce if any scientific study existed about that substance, considering that such study is, in and of itself, sufficent to classify this product or substance an untested drug. Clearly, this thinly veiled, and thoroughly illegal, attempt to destroy the supplement industry serves to demonstrate clearly the vigorous opposition of the FDA to both health freedom and to being restrained by US law when it does not serve the interest of industrial forces which determine FDA policy. Please join me, during the few days that we have remaining, in sending your strong opposition to this unwise and illegal regulation. Please join me, too, in sending this information to everyone on your contact list urging them to protect their health and their freedom to make their own health choices at the same time.

Sign the Petition!:

Get Bionaid NOW in case they try to take it too!:

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